I hope not! It is been a rough year for me... Can you tell, by my lack of 'updates' here? It has been a year of 'holding my breath', and allowing each day to pass by as peacefully as possible. Life has been like walking through a tunnel.... slow and quiet, hands by my sides; not wanting to shake what is already fragile. I am almost nearing the end of this Journey, with some things lost and some things kept.... and the hope of many more 'things' to be learned and experienced, in my future! It will begin in the next few months, with a new place to call 'home', and all the excitement that That brings! I can honestly say that I am finally seeing that 'painting' in my head, a vision of my future... and I know that life will continue in a different way; and I will be HAPPY.
...THANKS, for keeping me strong and 'on-track.' I am grateful that you checked-in on me. Wishing you all, a very Happy New Year!

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