It's a NEW YEAR...
...and I am still here! It will be a year of moving forward, with the occasional look back to acknowledge where I've been. As you can see from the photo, Faith Goldstein fine art is alive-and-well.... Ok... I have to admit that I have logged-in much less studio time than I would have liked, but the year has also been filled with taking photos and painting in my kitchen. Visiting museums, art shows and music venues, and even comedy shows(!) have added to my life, and inspired future paintings. The journey has been a bit bumpy, (whose journey isn't, after all?!) and in the end, it is the Art and the Artists (and those who care for us) that pull me through... I've joined this life-long 'conversation' that makes me excited to keep questioning and exploring what each day has to offer. ...And if ever the 'bumpy journey' overwhelms me, or the sky is void of that 'light-in-the-distance'... well, I'm an artist... a RockStar/SuperHero who can smooth out the roadway and paint in the LIGHT!
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